10 innovative solutions for fighting crime and violence The law as a economic development tool

Human nature is complex. Even if we do have inclinations toward violence, we also have inclination to empathy, to cooperation, to self-control.  – Steven Pinker

Violence is sadly a part of the human condition but so too is peace and conflict resolution. Finding practical, pragmatic, innovative workable solutions to the former through the latter is one of the pressing issues of our times.

Creating a secure environment is critical to sustainable development. The rule of law it must always be remembered is in fact an economic development tool.  As succinctly  put by  Andrew Ozanian,  the rule of law is important because:

As access to justice improves, a lot of other things we value improve as well. The rule of law is a cornerstone for a better functioning economy that adheres to regulations, greater internal mobility, social cohesion and good governance. –

But how do we get there?

The rule of law of course doesn’t just appear out of thin air, work has to be done not only to create institutions but institutions that work and work for the people. For this to happen the rule of law has to be felt; it has to be lived.  There has to be clear demonstrable evidence of the rule of law working to improve peoples lives for there be institutional effectiveness. It is a  virtuous circle of mutual reinforcement  – institutions supporting people and people supporting institutions.

The presentation below has ten (10) innovative examples of  institutions working to improve peoples lives by reducing crime and violence. It is important to note that these are solutions that are on the ground and working. Some of them are government lead, while others are private sector lead and still others are civil society lead, however what unites them all is that they all require partnership and co-operation and ‘the will to do it.’


Ten innovative solutions for peace and conflict resolution

Call to action

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” ― Aristotle Click To Tweet

If you are interesting in fighting crime please find ways to reinforce the rule of law. One of the best ways of doing so is by tackling poverty. Find and volunteer with a service organization e.g. Rotary that has as part of its objectives poverty reduction.


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