The disruption of the financial industry

Note: This article is a collective work by the futurologist Jens Hansen and digital expert Carsten Lexa. Digitization brings us disruptions in a wide variety of industries. Newspaper publishers, video rental companies, retailers, bookstores — all have already undergone a major transformation. The change in the retail business for books was particularly bad especially in the USA. In 2011 the

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Logistics is the key to thriving in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Connectivity, Flows and the management of connectivity and flows

If I had to boil the Fourth Industrial Revolution down to its basics I would say it consist of three things. And these are: Connectivity Flows Management of  connectivity and flows   Connectivity Connectivity is often synonymous with digital or technological connectivity, and rightfully so as it is a major means and mode of connectivity. Connectivity, in the Fourth Industrial

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How do you build a resilient and sustainable economy in the 21st Century? Jamaica a logistics centred economy thriving in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The future ain’t what it used to be. – Yogi Berra Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI), robots, automation, and the Internet of Things (IoT) – the Fourth industrial Revolution – are all tech terms that have moved into the mainstream of our everyday conversations. Unfortunately the talk is usually one of doom and gloom, punctuated by predictions such as: Robots could

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The great paradox of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ....its about being more human

The more technological we get the more human we must become. This is the great paradox of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To succeed in this era of rapid and accelerating change we must build relationships. Related Posts:What does it mean to have a logistics centred economy in Jamaica?Jamaica a logistics centred economy thriving in the Fourth Industrial RevolutionArtificial Intelligence is

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USA vs China trade war: a game of football Rules are rules but really are they?

You don’t often get to link trade and sports together but  attorney Timothy P. Stratford has done a brilliant job making an apt analogy that the current USA- China trade war is like a game of football. The key to the analogy and its true brilliance rests in, what kind of football? Don’t understand the US-China trade war? This metaphor could

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Connectivity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is about relationships

Connectivity is often synonymous with digital or technological connectivity, and rightfully so as it is a major means and mode of connectivity. Connectivity, in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,  however is more about relationships. That is to say the relationships “between people-people, people-things, and things-things.” Competitiveness, in our globalized world, be it as an individual or business or nation-state, is  increasingly based

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Drug Trafficking Drugs are a major issue so we need major solutions

To say that drugs are serious international security problem is an understatement. In this story we highlight five countries solutions to Drug trafficking problem namely: USA, UK, Jamaica, Columbia and Mexico. Embedded code:   Related Posts:The legal aspect of international securityWhat is the solution to Terrorism?A peace garden or a garden for peace? The surprising link between clean air and

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What is the solution to Terrorism? Can the law or law enforcement keep up?

The first step in the right direction is to understand the nature and seriousness of a terrorist threat in order to take the normative approaches to solution(s).   Related Posts:The legal aspect of international securityA peace garden or a garden for peace? The surprising link between clean air and crime and violenceCan we solve the problem of Identity Theft?10 innovative

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How cities can become startup hotspots (p.1) Conditions that are necessary for a lively startup community

When it comes to the hotspots of the startup scene, most think of Silicon Valley, London and Berlin or Paris and Stockholm. And that´s it pretty much. However, it is often forgotten that every city can basically develop a lively start-up community — and the ingredients for that are not that hard to spot. As one of the founding members of “Gründen@Würzburg”,

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The legal aspect of international security Collaboration is key to meeting these challenges

I recently had an opportunity to teach a post graduate course at the Caribbean Maritime University in Kingston Jamaica entitled: The Legal Aspect of International Security. The students were from the security forces and border protection agencies. Needless to say the classroom was filled with seriousness tempered with energy, learning,  a true spirit of collaboration and a degree of levity that

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