The On Going US-China Trade Dispute Enters New Arena: “Green.”

By:  Ainsley Brown The tit for tat trade battles, one could even say bordering on a trade war, has entered a new area – Green. More precisely the U.S. is investigating China’s alleged subsidization of its green technology sector (wind, solar and advanced batteries, etc.) in breach of WTO rules. The US Trade Representative has launched the investigation under section

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US Chicken Being Dumped, Says China

US Chicken Being Dumped, Says China
By: Ainsley Brown
The seemingly endless trade rows between the United States and China continue unabated.
What is it this time? Tires? Steel? Autos? Or maybe intellectual property protection? No, no, not this time, this time it’s chicken – more specifically the importation of US chicken into the Chinese market.
This however is not a new skirmish but rather one that begun earlier this year when China…

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