What is an Economic Engagement Network and why is it important to your business?

Countries enter agreements between each other all the time for a variety of things. A burning question businesses frequently ask is how do they impact (positive or negative) me? For an Economic Engagement Network: the value is in the connections. In order to leverage this network and create value or mitigate any negatives for your business requires a total mindset change. Rather than viewing these agreements in isolation and disconnected I invite you to start viewing these agreements as networks and platforms that support global value chains.

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What is Trade Facilitation?

For Jamaica Trade Facilitation is a must. Trade facilitation is not just a buzz word but something that is real. Why? It has to be. For small island developing countries like Jamaica we have long had a ‘export or die’ mindset. However, in today’s globalized world, with its complex of supply and global value chains, its not simply about exporting

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USA vs China trade war: a game of football Rules are rules but really are they?

You don’t often get to link trade and sports together but  attorney Timothy P. Stratford has done a brilliant job making an apt analogy that the current USA- China trade war is like a game of football. The key to the analogy and its true brilliance rests in, what kind of football? Don’t understand the US-China trade war? This metaphor could

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Connectivity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is about relationships

Connectivity is often synonymous with digital or technological connectivity, and rightfully so as it is a major means and mode of connectivity. Connectivity, in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,  however is more about relationships. That is to say the relationships “between people-people, people-things, and things-things.” Competitiveness, in our globalized world, be it as an individual or business or nation-state, is  increasingly based

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