The Cozy Bank-Law Firm Relationship May Not Be So Cozy After All…These days Anyway, Part II.

By: Ainsley Brown McKenna v. Gammon Gold Inc. This is case that has the potential to redefine the very cozy relationship law firms have with their banker clients. No longer will bankers be given blanket coverage under conflict of interest rules to prevent law firms from being representatives in claims brought against them. The operative word here being potential, as

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The Cozy Bank-Law Firm Relationship May Not Be So Cozy After All…These days Anyway, Part I

By: Ainsley Brown In Canada an Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruling (McKenna v. Gammon Gold Inc.) has the potential to go viral like the latest YouTube sensation and challenge what can only be called one of the most incestuous relationships in the commercial world. What am I talking about? Well I am referring to the relationship, the very close

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