How cities can become startup hotspots (p.1) Conditions that are necessary for a lively startup community

When it comes to the hotspots of the startup scene, most think of Silicon Valley, London and Berlin or Paris and Stockholm. And that´s it pretty much. However, it is often forgotten that every city can basically develop a lively start-up community — and the ingredients for that are not that hard to spot. As one of the founding members of “Gründen@Würzburg”,

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Is entrepreneurship the solution to global youth unemployment? Part II My interview with Carsten Lexa President of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs´ Alliance, Germany

The magic of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and other digital platforms is changing the way we do business, the way we work and the very nature of work itself. In this digital age these technologies present exciting opportunities to tackle global youth unemployment. A brief discussion of these technologies is how Part I of my interview with a  friend

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Is entrepreneurship the solution to global youth unemployment? Part I My interview with Carsten Lexa President of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs´ Alliance, Germany

Youth unemployment is on the rise globally. So what are the solutions? Before we get into the answer to that question let us take a quick glace at the problem. According to the  International Labour Organization (ILO), an organ of the United Nations (UN), “estimates that the global youth unemployment rate is expected to reach 13.1 per cent in 2016

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The 2017 G20 YEA Communiqué — Recommendations for Strengthening International Youth Entrepreneurship (And Fighting Unemployment)

The world needs a more innovative approach for global growth and employment. Growth is slowing down and unemployment, especially among youth, is rising or remaining at a high level. Demographic changes, technological advances and increased mobility are profoundly changing the world of work and are expected to do so even more in the future. A concrete solution emerges now more

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The G20 Young Entrepreneurs´ Alliance — a strong international voice against youth unemployment

What is the result of a combination of low rates of growth, high level of youth unemployment and an increasingly younger population in a country? An increasingly troubling economic outlook! That´s what the G20 members have faced for the past several years and in parts still face today. Therefore, the question that has to be answered is this: what policies can G20 governments adopt to address youth joblessness and disengagement and as a result encourage growth in their countries? Many economies that are rapidly developing face the challenge of finding work for large numbers of young people who will soon enter the workforce. Who can provide an answer to the challenge of youth unemployment?

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