Indian Newsprint Industry Thriving

By: Ainsley Brown

The Indian newsprint industry is thriving despite the general global trend for decline in this industry and the global recession. It could even be said that part of the industries success could even be attributed to the global recession itself.

So what’s behind the success?

There are four interrelated reasons for the industry’s tremendous success in India. The first is some thing very basic yet profound for its impact not just on the industry but for its ability to spark societal change; I am referring to literacy. India, since its independence has seen a steady increase in its literacy rates and a recent spike in the last few years.

Read to achieve
Read to achieve

The second reason for this success can be attributed to the willingness of the Indian newsprint sector to embrace and leverage advances in technology. Rather than fearing the steady march of technology many in the sector have used this as an opportunity to either retrofit or replace dated equipment or has served as impetus for entry into the sector.

The third is the result of – sorry for using an oft associated and over used word with India – outsourcing. This is the best example of how many in the industry have used technology to their advantage but it also reveals how the global recession has helped grow the sector. Many English speaking newspapers from all over the world as cost cutting measures have outsourced many of the back office-technical-editing-layout operations of their newspapers to India. With this they take advantage of a relatively cheap, highly educated, well motivated and efficient work force.

The final reason for this success is a recent legal change relating to foreign newspapers. Foreign newspapers are not allowed in India, however, with the recent change in the law facsimiles are allowed to be printed and sold. This change has been good news for India’s business elites whom now can peruse their Financial Times and Wall Street Journals over morning tea.


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