How do you build a resilient and sustainable economy in the 21st Century? Jamaica a logistics centred economy thriving in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The future ain’t what it used to be. – Yogi Berra Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI), robots, automation, and the Internet of Things (IoT) – the Fourth industrial Revolution – are all tech terms that have moved into the mainstream of our everyday conversations. Unfortunately the talk is usually one of doom and gloom, punctuated by predictions such as: Robots could

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Blockchain technology: a sustainability tool for agriculture

Blockchain technology can enhance the sustainability of nations like Jamaica’s agricultural sector, by capturing the information which can be beneficial to all who access the distributive ledger such as farmers, retailers and consumers. It will avail farmers greater access to information such as global competitive pricing so that they can be better informed as to what to charge for their produce and not charge too much or too little. This is important for a farmer to be profitable and to a nation that is into exports such as Jamaica, they will be aware of the prices so they are competitive and make the best prices for their commodities.

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Earth Day

From us here at Commercial Law International: Have a Happy Earth Day. Let’s all work together for a prosperous and sustainable future. Related Posts:Plastics are being banned globally, come find out whereBlockchain technology: a sustainability tool for agricultureThe law as a economic development tool: a personal insightWhen may development be considered a dirty word?Innovation may just be the solution

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When may development be considered a dirty word?

By Charles Wanguhu The town of Lamu began life as a 14th century Swahili settlement and is described in the official tourism website: “Lamu is a place like no other, a peaceful tropical island where life is lived at it’s own relaxed rhythm. a beautiful place of rolling dunes and endless beaches, where tiny villages nestle among coconut and mango

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China and Africa

  By Charles Wanguhu A lot of column inches have been taken up trying to dissect the emerging Sino-African relations. In Africa more and more Chinese goods as well as people are visible. The Africa -West relationship has been largely characterized as an aid relationship or “carrot stick diplomacy”. Experimental policies such as the structural adjustment programmes have been imposed

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